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WEBINAR: Stories That Scale: Everything Advisors Need To Grow With Testimonial Marketing

  • Wednesday, July 24, 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • ZOOM


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Most financial advisors have been told that storytelling is powerful, and this is true. But 'Stories That Scale' isn't just about the power of narratives; it's about putting the unparalleled influence of client stories to good use. A client's testimonial is more than just words - it's a catalyst for trust and relatability with potential prospects.

In this educational webinar, Diana Cabrices and Brian Thorp will break down the 3 major components of testimonial marketing to help you scale your business growth — asking, assembling, and strategically promoting client stories.

While navigating the regulatory landscape can be challenging, you won’t walk away from this session with overwhelm. You’ll walk away from this session with actionable insights on how you can collect and amplify client testimonials while adhering to regulatory standards.

Most advisors have been told that storytelling is powerful; but few understand the major impact client stories have on prospects. Client reviews are a form of social proof that drive relatability, and relatability is “why they buy”. We will teach advisors the psychology behind advisor and firm reviews.

Recent regulatory change gives advisors the playbook they need to run the game of testimonial marketing. However, collecting a review is only step 1. Advisors who succeed with testimonial marketing will also strategically promote their client stories in channels that bear real fruit. We will teach advisors how to collect, assemble, and promote client reviews to grow their businesses.

Advisors that have leaned into client reviews are growing quickly. According to recent data, 87% of people said that online reviews were important or very important when considering hiring in financial services. In our session, we’ll showcase advisor success stories with testimonials to inspire the audience with ideas and empower them with peer data.


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